The Prentend Anti-slaver.

Pro-slave ry or A nti- slavery Oroonoko: Or, The Royal Slave In the story Oroonoko, the author Aphra Behn is proud of herself for writing such an amazing anti-slave novel that comes from her own personal life experiences. However, was this really anti-slave? Throughout the story, she constantly shows how there is a clear difference between Oro onoko and white people as she quickly points out that he has many desirable traits but is b lack. The story in itself shows all of the horrors of the slave trade and how millions of slaves were kidnapped from their homes and forced into slavery. One could say that the fact that Oroonoko was royalty is just an example of how any African could be a slave and their social status means nothing. This brings up the question, was Behn against slavery or how slaves were treated? She goes into great detail about how badly slaves are treated or killed by the example of Oroon oko’s death however she writes the story in favor of the slave owners ...