
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Prentend Anti-slaver.

  Pro-slave ry or A nti- slavery Oroonoko: Or, The Royal Slave In the story Oroonoko, the author Aphra Behn is proud of herself for writing such an amazing anti-slave novel that comes from her own personal life experiences. However, was this really anti-slave? Throughout the story, she constantly shows how there is a clear difference between Oro onoko and white people as she quickly points out that he has many desirable traits but is b lack. The story in itself shows all of the horrors of the slave trade and how millions of slaves were kidnapped from their homes and forced into slavery. One could say that the fact that Oroonoko was royalty is just an example of how any African could be a slave and their social status means nothing. This brings up the question, was Behn against slavery or how slaves were treated? She goes into great detail about how badly slaves are treated or killed by the example of Oroon oko’s death however she writes the story in favor of the slave owners ...

When Two People Are RIght

When people begin to question the human mind and how it functions two of the main discussion is thoughts and reason. Why do we think about the thoughts we have? Do they just simply manifest in our minds or is something more? Does our environment we live in affect them? Does our past? Or does it come from both? Where does our capability to make reason stem from? Is it not our own human instinct or does our ability to make reason also stem from our environment and past? John Locke attempts the answer and explains thought and reason in his " An Essay Concerning Human Understanding ".  I personally believe that  John Locke 's views or theories to these questions are as close to the real answer that humans are ever going to get. Locke shows that in Book II of his essay that "the mind is a tabula rasa or blank sheet until experience in the form of sensation and  reflection provide the basic materials—simple ideas—out of which most of our more complex knowledge is construct...

Room for Improvement

  Do you feel your blog meets all the rubric criteria? If not, then what areas need work? I do feel that I met seral areas of the rubric criteria such as the due date but there is still plenty of room that needs work. I know one of the early blogs did not meet the word count and then I did not fully answer the question.   Which aspects of writing assignments on a blog confuse or create stress for you? Honestly, nothing on the blog is confusing or creates stress I just feel as if I sometimes do not fully answer the question. Are you putting your best efforts into assignments and blog writing? I would like to say that I am putting the effort into the assignment but the grade does not reflect it. I need to do more and I will. Do you review and revise your blog posts for grammar, mechanics, and readability? I work on my blog all week and do edits until I feel as if it reads well. Writing on a blog can be risky since the blog is public and will be seen by others. Ho...

Religion and Science Coming Together

Throughout the history of humankind, it is fair to say that science and religion have not agreed. Currently today there are thousands of different religions with twenty major ones that the majority practice .  Twenty Major Religions . The number of scientific theories is much larger but still have the same number of most popular ones that most people are familiar with. Ten popular theories . With each religion and each theory, they all offer different answers to some of the greatest questions still left unanswered. What is life's purpose? Is there a soul? Does God exist? However, neither science nor religion has proof of what they claim to have the answers for; religion believes in faith in what it promises, and science believes in logic in its answers.  John Bunyan is known to the world for being a Christian writer and preacher. He believes that the world was created by one god and as humans it is our destiny to find our way back to god. In his famous book “    T...